About BEST

BEST, Board of European Students of Technology, is a european-wide student organisation. We are all about connecting students of technology!

Map of all BEST Groups in Europe

BEST International

BEST, Board of European Students of Technology is a constantly growing non-profit and non-political organisation. Since 1989 we provide communication, co-operation and exchange possibilities for students

Find out more about our network of Local BEST Groups (LBGs), our identity and our activities.

Cl all over Europe.

BEST Erlangen

BEST, Board of European Students of Technology is a constantly growing non-profit and non-political organisation. Since 1989 we provide communication, co-operation and exchange possibilities for students

Find out more about our history, members and local events.

Cl all over Europe.


Our six Boardies are making sure everything is running smoothly.

Find out more about them.

Cl all over Europe.

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